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Flooded Basement Solution

When Mother Nature dishes out a flooded basement, It's good to have a SMART POWER back up for staying dry. Smart power is a smart solution for your home and an investment you will not regret. One of nature’s most destructive forces is water, which if not protected can ruin your home and your belongings. With Smart Power your home is protected and will rid of excessive water during a storm/power outage.

Features: Others: Smart Power
How powerful is the pumping capacity? 1700 GHP 3500 GHP
(In gallons per hour at a 5’ height)    
Does it run intermittently for days on a single charge? 1 Day 7 Days
Does it have a unique installation of a separate dedicated line which has the capacity to remove twice as much water? No Yes
(A single discharge line just isn’t functional when you need to move a lot of water in a shorter amount of time.)    
Does it automatically switch to battery power when your AC power fails? No Yes
Does it know when there is an increased demand on your sump pump during heavy water intake and will it automatically start up as a second pump? No Yes
Will it automatically start recharging once power has been restored? Yes Yes
Does it continuously monitor battery and power conditions? No Yes
Does it have an anti-clogging ability? No Yes
Is it capable of pumping and charging the battery simultaneously? No Yes
Does it have an all Cast Iron pump construction? No Yes
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